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Saturday, April 22nd from 10am-1pm 

Party for the Planet + Earth Days Farmers Market

4-H Center (515 High St.)


Greening Vermillion and the Vermillion Area Farmers Market are teaming up to provide fun for all ages at the Earth Days Farmers Market. 

Greening Vermillion will host a Party for the Planet during the Farmers Market, including a free lunch. A Bouncy House will be set up for all to enjoy, along with more fun and games for all ages. Doug Tuve and his electric vehicle, a Mustang Mach-E, will be on display outside the 4-H Building. The Mending Circle will have a station with supplies and resources to help you mend, darn, and make your clothes last - feel free to bring your clothes that need repair!

Enjoy homemade and homegrown local products at their best! Meet kid-friendly critters and learn the natural habitats of these amphibians and reptiles. For more info: Vermillion Farmers Market.

Thank you to the following who gave generously of their time, talent, and treasure:

Greening Vermillion and Vermillion Area Farmers Market

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